Your one stop shop for Transoft Solutions (UK) Software. Whether you are looking for Traffic Management or Landscape Design Software, you have come to the right place.
AutoTURN is used to confidently analyse road and site design projects including junctions, roundabouts, bus terminals, loading bays, car parks or any on/off-street assignments involving vehicle access checks, clearances, vehicle tracking and swept path manoeuvres. AutoTURN requires a full copy of AutoCAD, BricsCAD, MicroStation, ZWCAD and is available as either an annual User Subscription or annual Team Subscription licence. For more details see Licensing Options | Transoft Solutions
We create outstanding software and provide unrivalled service that inspires the design of safe roads and memorable landscapes.
We believe in making software with a difference, designed and developed alongside practicing industry professionals to make sure it incorporates everything the user needs to design the Future.Faster.
The software helped us to develop & present the design to the hospice staff. It enabled us to make amendments quickly in response to their comments.
Since 1991, Transoft Solutions has developed advanced and highly specialised software solutions for aviation, civil infrastructure, transportation and operational professionals.
Our portfolio of planning, simulation, modelling, design, and road safety analysis solutions is used every day by thousands of organisations in over 150 countries worldwide. Clients include government agencies at the federal, state, county and municipal levels, as well as major international airports and top engineering and architectural design firms.